Responsibilities of an Educational Supervisor

  • Educational Supervisor (ES) will supervise no more than 3 basic trainees each.

  • BTs will stay with the same ES for the entirety of their basic training unless one or both individuals request a change.

  • Educational Supervisors:

i. Work in collaboration with the DPEs to provide support for Basic Trainees

ii. Meet with trainees at least twice per year to complete a:

  • Mid-year progress report (due on August 31st)

  • End of year progress report (due on January 31st)

iii. Provide regular and timely feedback

iv. Provide assistance with training and support


How to Apply to Become an Educational Supervisor

  • All Educational Supervisors must complete the three Supervisor Professional Development Program (SPDP) workshops within the first 12 months of being an ES. Information for these can be found here.

  • If you would like to become an ES or find out more information, contact the VBPTC Coordinator

  • The Coordinator will provide you with the relevant RACP form to complete your application, other supporting documentation and assign 2 trainees to you for the following clinical year