The Junior Resident Medical Officer (JRMO) year is ideal for junior doctors who would like to work in paediatrics, either in the pursuit of paediatrics, general practice, paediatric surgery or simply to see if paediatrics is the right career choice for you.

To be eligible to apply for a JRMO position you must have successfully completed your intern year, and you must be eligible for GENERAL medical registration in Australia. No previous paediatric experience is required. Refer to the Application Guide for further details.


There are 5 different options when applying for a JRMO position.
You can apply for as many options as you would like. They are:

1. Extended Rural Stream (2 positions, Eastern Victoria) – accredited

2. Extended Rural Stream (2 positions, Northern Victoria) – accredited

3. Extended Rural Stream (2 positions, Western Victoria) – accredited

4. Metropolitan Stream – accredited

5. Unaccredited position

  • The 6 Extended Rural Stream positions available in 2025 can be found here.

  • Please note: the unaccredited positions cannot be used retrospectively for entry into the Paediatric Training Program or as accredited paediatric time.

The JRMO application process is managed through the Royal Children’s Hospital. Application dates and details can be found through clicking the button below. Recruitment has been completed for positions commencing in 2025, information regarding the 2026 positions will be available from April 2025 and may change from what is detailed below.

You can apply for an accredited JRMO position in the Metropolitan Stream and/or the Extended Rural Stream in 2025 here.


Application Process


Application Paperwork Submission

Application details can be found on the RCH website by clicking the button below.


About 150 candidates will be interviewed each year through online Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs).


There will be a different interviewer per station. They may be any of the following:

  • Consultant paediatricians from all over Victoria

  • Advanced Trainees

  • Medical Workforce Unit staff

  • Nurses

  • Allied health

  • Administrative staff

  • Previous patients or parents

Indigenous Candidates

Any Indigenous candidate who applies for an accredited JRMO job will be accepted into the program provided that:

  • They meet the minimum standards for employment by RCH

  • They are considered likely to be able to successfully complete training by the Directors of Paediatric Education


  • No.

  • No, there is no template. Your CV must be no longer than 4 pages, it should not include a photo or headers / footers, and must be submitted in Word format. We ask you to adhere to these requirements so that we can anonymise the CVs (and cover letters) during the shortlisting process.

  • Yes.

  • No – ask people who know you best, regardless of their particular area of medicine.

  • Not necessarily. Not all JRMO positions at the Royal Children’s Hospital are accredited training positions – some are unaccredited positions and will not count towards basic paediatric training. Please check with the RCH as to whether you have an accredited or unaccredited position.

  • As many times as you like. It is a very competitive process and unfortunately great people do miss out each year. If you are unsuccessful but still want to become a paediatrician, you might want to consider reapplying the following year; applying for an accredited position interstate or getting experience in a paediatric setting, even if unaccredited. The more experience you have in paediatrics, the more likely you are to be confident in your career choice and the more accredited jobs you may be eligible for.

  • It varies each year, depending on a number of factors. However, there are approximately 45 accredited JRMO positions available each year.

  • There are no differences between the rosters.

  • We commit to training all accredited JRMOs for their entire basic paediatric training. In order to accomplish this, we must be able to ensure that we can supervise, provide all requirements and examine each trainee who enters the training program. For this reason, there must be a cap to the number of accredited trainees that we accept each year.

  • There are no specific job share positions for JRMOs. If you would like to discuss job share possibilities for the Metropolitan Stream or unaccredited positions, please discuss with the Medical Workforce Unit at the RCH. Unfortunately it is not possible to job share in the Extended Rural Stream at this point.

  • As a JRMO you are employed by RCH but you will not complete your entire JRMO year onsite at RCH (or Monash). Rotations to secondment sites will be included in all rosters and will ensure that you receive a well-rounded experience. Please note that this is a statewide program and it is expected that travel to different hospitals will be required during training.

  • No, you cannot use an international location. This category is for Australian based consideration only.

  • Yes.

  • No. If you choose to leave the Stream that you have been allocated, you will be leaving the training program. If you feel that you deserve special consideration, please refer to the Special Consideration Guidelines.

  • The JRMO yearly rosters will be generated and issued to all successful applicants. All JRMOs are asked to preference the rosters in order of their most favourable to least favourable rosters. Preferences are then collated and allocated. If you would like to swap a full term of your allocated roster, you may be able to do so with another JRMO, pending approval from RCH MWU. If you are unable to find someone to swap with you, you must work that rotation.

    Please note: When applying to the Extended Rural Stream the rosters are already determined and you MUST be able to work the roster as written within that stream.

  • Unaccredited JRMO jobs will give you great experience in paediatrics which may help with your conviction to embark upon a career in paediatrics, however, unaccredited JRMOs are not given any special consideration in the application process.