

In order for time working in a paediatric registrar position to be accredited towards basic paediatric training, trainees must already be in the VBPTC and must either:

  • Obtain a rotating registrar job

  • Obtain a consortium registrar job

  • Receive special consideration from their DPE
    This will only be considered if a trainee has less than 6 months of non-core time to complete for their basic training


Key Differences Between a Rotating Registrar Position and a Consortium Registrar Position

Rotating Registrar PositionConsortium Registrar Position
Must be centrally recruitedYesYes
Accredited for basic training timeYesYes
Employer (including responsibility for leave arrangements and cover)RCHIndividual Health Service

Application Process for Current Basic Trainees 

The appointment process is coordinated by the RCH Medical Workforce Unit on behalf of all hospitals within the VBPTC. Recruitment for 2025 positions is now complete, information regarding positions in 2026 will be available from April 2025.


Registrar positions are offered for 6 or 12 months, full time or job share commencing in February.

Job share positions are available on selected rosters, as not all departments can accommodate the flexibility of job share arrangements. These rosters will be clearly indicated and will require the job share partners to equally share the full time workload across a 4 week period (maximum). Job splitting is not available (eg: one partner works for 3 months, and then the other partner works the next 3 months) .

Please contact the RCH MWU to discuss the job share arrangements if you would like further clarification.


Rotating Registrar Positions

Rotating Registrars may rotate to the following VBPTC sites:

  • Austin Health

  • Ballarat Base Hospital

  • Barwon Health (Geelong)

  • Box Hill Hospital

  • Casey Hospital

  • Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital (Sunshine)

  • Monash Children’s Hospital

  • Northern Hospital

  • Peninsula Health (Frankston)

  • Royal Children’s Hospital

Consortium Registrar Positions



Roster allocations will primarily be based on the training requirements that are yet to be completed by the trainee.
Trainee preferences will also be taken into account.


Application Process for Registrars Wishing to Enter the VBPTC

Registrars wishing to enter the VBPTC will need to apply via the competitive recruitment process. Recruitment occurs through the RCH.


Process for Entering the Training Program


Please note: successful appointment alone does not allow you to enter the Victorian Paediatric Training Program.