Getting into the Victorian Paediatric Training Program

In order to enter the Victorian Paediatric Training Program, candidates must gain a centrally recruited accredited basic training position.
In Victoria, central recruitment is through one of the primary training sites (i.e. MCH or RCH).

Entering the Victorian Paediatric Training Program

The VBPTC in conjunction with The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) and Monash Children’s Hospital (MCH) host an Information Night in May each year for junior doctors interested in applying to enter the Victorian Paediatric Training program.

The topics discussed on 21 May 2024 included:

  • How Paediatrics works in Victoria & an overview of the Paediatric Training Program

  • Entry into the program at Junior Resident Medical Officer (JRMO) level

  • Entry into the program via the Extended Rural Stream

  • Entry into the program at Senior Medical Resident Officer (SRMO) level

  • Entry into the program at Registrar level

  • Hearing from current trainees about their pathway to (and through) Paediatrics, including some advice for prospective applicants

  • Note: applicants then went into break out rooms to provide them with an opportunity to speak directly with a current trainee

  • Final Q&A

RECRUITMENT TIMELINES (for entry into the program in 2025)

Recruitment at all levels of entry available in 2025 (JRMO and Registrar) followed these timelines in 2024, for training positions commencing in 2025, similar dates and timelines will take place in 2025 for 2026 training positions:

  • Applications open 21 May 2024

  • Job advertisements are available on the RCH and MCH career websites

  • Applications close 9 June 2024

  • Information Night held 21 May 2024

  • Interviews held: 10 - 26 July 2024

  • All applicants advised of outcome by the end of August 2024

PLEASE NOTE: there were no vacancies for entry into the training program at SRMO level in 2025.

A JRMO Application Guide is available for applicants applying at JRMO level, and applicants considering the Extended Rural Stream (ERS) positions.


Applicants who are successful in being appointed to enter the VBPTC must be prepared to commence their training in that position at the beginning of the following clinical year. Deferrals of accredited training positions will only be considered under extenuating circumstances, and will not automatically be granted.

Further details are available (from April, annually) on the employing health service websites: RCH and MCH (MCH positions will be advertised here). If you’re unable to find the information you’re looking for, please contact the VBPTC.

Standard Recruitment Cycle


Outside of the Standard Recruitment Cycle 



  • Being an interstate or New Zealand RACP paediatric trainee does not guarantee you entry into the Victorian program. When someone enters the Victorian paediatric training program, the VBPTC commits to training that person until the completion of basic training and therefore the VBPTC must ensure that there is sufficient capacity to achieve that.

    Therefore, interstate trainees must go through the same process of entering the Victorian Paediatric Training Program as other applicants.

    If an interstate trainee is successful in the recruitment process, they can continue their training where they left off.

  • Overseas trainees must go through the same process of entering the Victorian Paediatric Training Program as other applicants.

    However, once they are successful in that process, they can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning with the RACP. Applications must occur within 3 months of entering the paediatric training program and the RACP may accredit up to 12 months of previous training.

    Overseas trainees will still need to complete the written and clinical exam, even if they have completed the equivalent exams overseas.

  • You are eligible to apply for RPL if:

    – You undertook training in another RACP training program (e.g. adult physician training); or

    – You undertook training in another specialty training program within Australia/New Zealand; or

    – You undertook training in an equivalent overseas training program; or

    – You undertook a post graduate university course; or

    – You undertook academic research (e.g. PhD)

    Applications must be submitted within 3 months of the date of commencement of your first paediatric training rotation.

    A maximum of 12 months may potentially be granted.

    Further details and application forms can be found here:
    Recognition of Prior Learning (

  • Absolutely! You can apply for as many jobs as you are eligible for. 

    If you are applying for multiple jobs, please ensure you submit a separate application for each position. When completing the VBPTC Application Form (submitted with each position) you can indicate all of the jobs that you are applying for – this will alert the employing hospitals that you are applying to enter the VBPTC at multiple levels.

  • No. As per RACP rules, positions are only accredited if they are centrally recruited through the VBPTC.

  • No. As per RACP rules, positions are only accredited if they are centrally recruited through the VBPTC.

  • Yes. Please note that this is a statewide program and so you may be required to work in any of the 18 VBPTC sites. This will enrich your experience overall.