Pathway through Paediatric Training


Basic Training time is only accredited if:

  • It is at, or seconded by, a Level 2 or 3 hospital. In Victoria, this means that only positions that are seconded to by RCH or MCH following a centrally recruited process in collaboration with the VBPTC can be accredited.

At this time, the only positions that may be accredited for basic training are:

  • Rotating JRMO positions

  • Extended rural stream JRMO positions

  • Rotating SRMO positions

  • Rotating registrar positions

  • Consortium registrar positions

Each trainee will have:

  • A Ward Supervisor for each rotation

  • An Educational Supervisor (ES) allocated to them for the duration of basic training

  • A Director of Paediatric Education (DPE) allocated to them for the duration of basic training


 Taking time away from training:

At SRMO and Registrar level, trainees have the opportunity to apply to defer their training year for 12 months. A small number of deferrals can be accommodated annually, and trainees must speak with their DPE in the first instance to ensure they are well informed of the training implications.

Deferral requests are not automatically granted – they are reviewed by the VBPTC management team, DPE group and employing health service (RCH or MCH). Trainees who have a deferral request approved will be guaranteed their training position for the following year.   

Deferrals can be approved for a maximum period of 12 months. If there are breaks in training for longer than this period, the VBPTC and health services will make every effort to accommodate trainees when they wish to return but cannot guarantee re-entry at a particular time.

If / when the trainee is ready to recommence training, they should contact the Statewide Coordinator ( to express their wish to re-enter training. The Statewide Coordinator will then liaise with the VBPTC Management Team, DPEs and health services. Please note, due to recruitment timelines, it is preferable for trainees to contact the Statewide Coordinator by April for re-entry into the training program the following year. More details regarding this process can be found here:

Any trainee taking time away from training for a period of 8 consecutive weeks (or more) must advise the RACP: Interrupting or withdrawing from training (


Progression through Training

The Progress Review Panel (PRP) meets twice a year, mid year and at the end of the year.
The PRP’s purpose is to discuss all basic trainees in order to assess 1) if trainees are progressing satisfactorily and 2) if trainees require any additional support.


Progress Review Panel (PRP)

Membership of Panel:

  • Director of Paediatric Education (Chair)

  • VBPTC Deputy Director or Rural Director

  • RCH & MCH DPEs

  • RCH MWU Representatives

  • MCH MWU Representatives

  • Neonatal Representative

  • Outer Metropolitan Representative

  • Rural Representative


Reconsideration, Review and Appeals panel:

These panel members were not present at the first meeting

Membership of Panel:

  • VBPTC Deputy Director or Rural Director

  • Director of Paediatric Education
