The Victorian Basic Paediatric Training Consortium (VBPTC) was established in 2021, funded by the Victorian Department of Health. It is independent of any particular health service and has oversight over all paediatric basic trainees and training in Victoria. It is responsible for the governance of paediatric basic training in Victoria.


 Our Mission

To provide high quality training to Victorian basic paediatric trainees whilst considering the needs of the trainees, health services and local communities.


The Key Performance Indicators of the VBPTC are:


Deliver high quality, accredited training whilst considering community needs.


Provide advice regarding training capacity and potential additional training sites.


Develop a rural pathway for basic training.


Develop an outcome-focussed approach to funding.


 How the VBPTC Sits Within Paediatric Training in Victoria

The Tertiary, Outer Metropolitan and Rural Hospitals

– There are currently 18 hospitals within the VBPTC.

– The hospitals are responsible for trainee employment, rostering and fulfilling the requirements of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA).

Educational Supervisors

– Each trainee is allocated an Educational Supervisor (ES) at the beginning of their basic training who will remain with the trainee until the end of basic training.

– The ES will meet with the trainee at least twice a year – before the RACP mid year report is due and before the RACP end of year report is due

– The ES is also a great person to provide support, advice and mentorship at any point during the year.

Directors of Paediatric Education

– Each trainee is allocated a Director of Paediatric Education (DPE) at the beginning of their training who will remain allocated to the trainee for the entirety of basic training.

– The DPE is the conduit between the RACP and the trainees. They are there to support, advise and advocate for trainees and will always be happy to hear from the trainees and the supervisors.

There are 4 DPEs in Victoria:

RCH – Associate Professor Romi Rimer, Dr Nadine Sharples and Dr Jye Gard

MCH – Associate Professor Rob Roseby

Director of Advanced Training

– The Director of Advanced Training (DAT) works closely with the DPE team.

– The main role of the DAT is to support, advise and advocate for advanced trainees. The DAT would always be happy to hear from trainees or supervisors.

There is one paediatric DAT in Victoria: RCH – Dr Philippa Bolton

Victorian Basic Paediatric Training Consortium (VBPTC)

– The VBPTC has statewide oversight over and provides governance for Victorian basic paediatric training and trainees.